Sunday 1 September 2013

COTW #31 - Rebozo Carries

by Aline Kelly

Rebozo carries are among the oldest and simplest baby carries known to humans - they are a simple one-layer carry that pass over one shoulder, under the opposite arm, and tie in a knot in front. Used for front, hip, or back carries, you only need a short length of fabric, usually a size 2 if using a woven wrap. They are great for hot weather since not much fabric is needed, and are quick up and down carries for a busy toddler. 

More detailed information on rebozos:

Front and Hip Rebozo Carries:
The method for these is the same, what varies is where you situate your baby. 
- Front and Hip rebozo are pre-tied before you pop your baby in. 
- Drape your wrap across your back with one tail coming over your shoulder and one tail coming under your opposite arm. 
- Tie a slip knot in the corsage position under your shoulder (slipknot demo in video)
- Situate baby into the wrap either on your hip or on your front. Baby should be in an upright position (not a cradle position) and facing towards the parent. 
- Create a deep seat from knee to knee by tucking fabric between your bodies.
- Tighten at shoulder as necessary. Extra slack may need to be fed around your back to tighten further.
- Make sure all the fabric is spread evenly across your back and shoulder. 

Back Rebozo Carry:
- Get baby onto your back using your preferred method. Your wrap should be more or less centered on baby's back. 
- Secure your top rails and create a deep seat for baby from knee to knee. 
- Bring one tail over your shoulder, the other under your opposite arm. 
- Tie a square knot in front. Corsage position is ideal since a middle knot can dig into your sternum. 
- Make sure the fabric is spread evenly, especially over your shoulder. 

Chest belt variations for rebozo carries:

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